Tuesday, May 4, 2010

we got what we asked for!

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Well it has been about a year and a half since Barack Obama became the President of the United States. I have watched and paid attention closely. I have to say I wish that I had been wrong about him, but I was not. What I do not understand is why so many folks that supported him in the last election now say that they do not know who they voted for. They say at least to me, that he is not the person they thought they were voting for. I thought about that for a while and now after consideration I say to all Obama supporters who are now somehow disappointed with the direction this country is heading... WERE YOU LISTENING TO HIM DURING THE CAMPAIGN??

Obviously not... He is doing exactly what he said he would do, He is not trying to hide it because he thinks that he is doing what the electorate put him in office to do. More Government regulations and more restricted freedoms. Oh yeah, I know some of you were hoping he would end the wars, immediately bring our troops home. Unrealistic, but that would be a legitimate beef for some of you disappointed supporters.

I would like for folks to consider the ignoring and outright disregard for this nations founding documents, namely the Constitution, this administration is becoming famous for.

This is were the real damage to the country is being done. For all of you who complained and moaned about the Bush administration's alleged constitutional violations, I submit those will be "child's play" when compared to the current administrations transgressions. So far we have barred witness to a systematic takeover of huge sections of the private sector by the Federal Government. Heath Care, Finance, Big Auto, the list goes on...

But the real question is, how did we get here? We got here because people simply weren't listening. All they could hear was "change, change, change and yes we can" no one bothered to ask what kind of change or yes we can what? Now we have a President who doesn't believe in American ideals and all his life has been taught that this great American experiment is a bad idea and oppressive to the rest of the world. We have a President with a five minute career and no matter what room he walks into, he is the least qualified to be there. So to all of you folks that voted for him in 2008 and who are disappointed as a result, For this great country's sake... PLEASE remember that feeling in November 2010 and 2012 and vote again!!

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